

Oh what a difference a year can make

Oh what a difference one year can make. In 2018, I hit so many of my goals and made it closer to others, running the Chicago Marathon, hitting a new PB in all distances, and making new friends and connections in the running community. Then 2019 started…DUN DUN DUN.

I started off my year emotionally drained, physically exhausted, and generally not interested, yet with all the intentions of staying on track. My first 10K of the year was going to be my run — the one I finally did in under 58 minutes, the one that would make me feel like 2019 would be amazing. Then 6 km in, my legs and my mind (mostly my mind) said: “Nope, you walk!”. So, I did, and then the other races for the year started to creep up day by day, and I kept failing. I kept saying to myself, “It’s okay, at least you are showing up”.

I had to do a last-minute adjustment during a marathon I signed up for and flew to, where I ended up running the half. I was sick on and off, I was injured, and this year really got me thinking of whether running is even for me. I started to feel as if I needed to change my hobby, pick up kickboxing, or start cycling (I really do not like biking).

After taking a seven-week break from running, I got on the treadmill and went for a 30-minute easy run and it was wonderful. My mind, my heart and my music were all on point.

In previous years, I have bombarded myself with running anywhere from 10 to 15 races, and although it can get a little stressful, I truly enjoyed each one. But I never found a good rhythm in my training.

My priorities and goals needed to shift for 2020. I want to follow my heart and remember why I started running again. Therefore, I will be making an effort to put my training first. Work on my foundation and not be so worried about my performance.

Setting goals is important, and that is exactly what I have done for years. Right now, it is not about the goal it is about the journey. Which now has become a goal. It becomes a vicious cycle!

Nonetheless I want to say thank you to all of you who have been reading these blogs, although I have taken some time off from running and writing I have been inspired throughout this year by so many incredible individuals. I am truly spoiled with the love and support I have received through Run Little Monkey and the running community.

A huge shoutout to my fellow Run Little Monkey Ambassadors, Joyce and Marie. You both motivate me to not just be a better runner but a better person. I can’t ever see myself going back and not having you in my life.

And of course Gail, you saw something in the three of us over a year ago. I still have no idea what (regarding me of course), but you brought us together and supported our journey, even through some of the worse times in our lives and many good ones. Thank you for endorsing amateur athletes like myself. I have never called myself an athlete before this. It’s incredible to feel the support from Run Little Monkey. Happy and proud each day to say I am apart of this team!



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